LMI is innovating the art authentication process

Art authentication is a high-stakes pursuit. When orphaned artwork that has been lost or forgotten is found, it can fill in important pieces of the story of the artist, and sell at auction for tens, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

But surprisingly, current techniques in art authentication are largely subjective. LMI believes that certainty of information is the bedrock of our collective cultural and artistic heritage. They’ve set out to authenticate artwork differently by using computational science and data to build on the expertise of art historians and provenance experts, so that nothing is lost to history.

LMI came to us with a request unlike any of our previous client partners: to develop technology that would measure, compare, and analyze painted letters as part of the authentication process for a work by one of the world’s most important artists – Vincent van Gogh.

ELIMAR - by Vincent van Gogh

Impressionist painters like van Gogh rarely signed their work, and rarely painted anything the same way twice. Could clues to this work's authenticity lie hidden in the enigmatic signature - Elimar?

We set out to measure and compare the letters, E, L, I, M, A and R to those found Vincent van Gogh's other known works.

Before comparing Elimar to other works we had to first normalize the data.

This entailed creating skeletonized, threshold and vector versions of each letter.

Harnessing computational power to analyze and compare Elimar.

We developed proprietary custom software for LMI to analyze and compare Elimar across up to 12 distinct measurement points, assessing the degree of similarity between letters found in other verified works by the artist.

A new standard

This new and novel process resulted in robust, objective, and reliable data that contributed to LMI's formal report on their 4-year authentication process of Elimar.

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